Welcome the the FAQ, a place where you ask and we've already answered! (Feel free to contact me personally if you couldn't find a fix here...)

Why do I have to watch an ad every time I convert a pack?

I pay monthly for this website to be able to work. Watching a short advertisement while my system works to convert your pack helps me not make a loss on something made to help people out. If you want to support even more, you could join my Patreon and you'll gain access to a special, ad-free version :)

What types of packs can this webiste convert?

As of right now, this website can only convert pure texture packs, so not ones with additional data, or custom models for example. (Well not consistently at least)

Why would I even need to change the version of my texture pack?

Every time Minecraft updates, new items get added, renamed, relocated, changed, you get the idea. For minecraft to be able to distinguish between versions you also need to change your pack_format depending on your Minecraft version. The main utility of this website was to make porting pack to and form versions bafore 1.13 a lot easier, seeing as if I wanted to update a 1.12.2 pack to 1.20.1, I would have to rename over 2000 files manually!

What happens when I convert my Java pack to Bedrock?

First off, the pack.mcmeta file gets replaced with a manifest.json file. These both work in a similar way, just uniquely for your version. Once that has been done and configured, almost every single folder and file in your pack has to be renamed so that Minecraft Bedrock can read it correctly.

Why is Bedrock Edition listed as a single version?

Unlike Java Edition, any pack made for Minecraft Bedrock will be able to work for every version. The only reason you'd need to update it after a new update comes out would be to create custom textures for all of the new additions.

Why does my pack get renamed to something random?

After uploading you pack, the first thing our system does is rename your pack to a random hexadecimal to prevent stuff like spaces or special characters in your pack's name from messing with our system!

Error List

Welcome to the Error List, a place where hopefully every single error is listed, and you can find a fix to whatever issue you’re experiencing? (Please feel free to contact me personally if your issue persists or if you can’t do anything about it :)
Useful links:
Pack Fixer (java)
Pack Fixer (bedrock)
Pack Tutorial (java)
Pack Tutorial (bedrock)

HTTP header has already been sent.

System error, not your bad, luckily you can still download your pack! In your browser, type in https://www.convertmcpack.net/converted/YOUR_PACKS_PATH You can find your packs path near the bottom of the output logs, and it should look something like updated_0d1e4cdd4b9f969c.zip In this case the final URL will be https://www.convertmcpack.net/converted/updated_0d1e4cdd4b9f969c.zip

Sorry, file already exists.

It appears (a version of) your file already exists in our system! Sorry for the inconvenience, please rename your file (Tip: add three random digits to the end of the file name).

no conversion path selected.

You did not, or incorrectly selected the version you want to convert your pack to, please do so!

Sorry, your file was not uploaded.

System error you can't do anything about, feel free to contact Itsme64 for help.

Sorry, your file is too large.

Itsme64's texture pack converter has a file upload limit of 80MB, if your file is larger than this, remove anything not required for the conversion, if your file is still to big contact Itsme64 and review of your file an exeption might be made

Sorry, only ZIP and MCPACK files are allowed.

Minecraft packs come in two file types: .zip and .mcpack, if your file is neither, your pack cannot be a minecraft texture pack. Visit the 'create zip file' page if you're looking to seek help turning your pack into the correct file format.

Compression ratio exceeds 10:1. Rejecting the ZIP file.

Your "pack" is a zip bomb and you just tried to break my website meanie >:(

Failed to move the zip file to the 'converted' folder.

Please rename the pack and try again (Tip: add three random digits to the end of the file name). If the issue persists, it's a system error, please report it to Itsme64 so he can work on a fix!

Failed to create the updated ZIP file.

Either your pack is compiled incorrectly (to fix this redo the formatting, or run it through the pack fixer), Or you ran into a system error, if this issue persisits after an attempt to fix the pack, it's becuase there is something wrong on the end of the server, please report it to Itsme64 so he can work on a fix!

Missing files for creating the updated ZIP file.

You don't have either a pack.mcmeta file, or a 'assets' folder (or for bedrock your missing either manifest.json or the 'textures' folder). If you're not sure how to fix this just run your pack through the pack fixer!

Failed to decompress the ZIP file.

Your ZIP archive was invalid, I recommend decompressing, and then recompressing the file, or running it through the pack fixer.

Error: one or both selected values are negative or overly large.

You're selecting a nonexistant, or invalid minecraft version to convert your pack to, try changing the version and chec if the error persists.

Error renaming folders.

Two options: 1) Your ZIP archive was invalid, I recommend decompressing, and then recompressing the file, or running it through the pack fixer. 2) If that doesn't help my system is at fault, and I'd appreciate you sharing the details so I can fix the issue :)

Folder '$oldFolderNameBlocks'(or '$oldFolderNameItems') does not exist.

Either your zip archive is invalid (decompress and recompress your pack, or run it through the pack fixer) or your pack contains no actual content.

Folder '$directory' does not exist.

Either your zip archive is invalid (decompress and recompress your pack, or run it through the pack fixer) or your pack contains no actual content.

Error renaming file '$oldFilename'.

System error you can't do anything about, feel free to contact Itsme64 for help.

Error: Failed to decode manifest.json.

Either the location of your manifest.json file is incorrect, or the content is flawed. Running your pack through the Bedrock Edition pack fixer can automatically fix both those issues if you don't want to fix it manually.

Error: manifest.json does not exist.

Either the location of your manifest.json file is incorrect, or it doesn't exist. Running your pack through the Bedrock Edition pack fixer can automatically fix the first of the two, but if the manifest.json file doesn't exist at all, I recommend refollowing the Bedrock Edition texture pack tutorial.

Error: textures folder does not exist.

Your textures folder has a spelling error, or is located incorrectly. Running your pack through the Bedrock Edition pack fixer can automatically fix both those issues if you don't want to fix it manually.

Error: assets folder does not exist.

System error you can't do anything about, feel free to contact Itsme64 for help.

Error: Failed to decode pack.mcmeta.

Your pack.mcmeta file is coded incorrectly. You'll need to redo the pack.mcmeta file, or of course running your pack through the fixer will solve this issue.

Error: pack.mcmeta file does not exist.

To fix this error you'll need to go through the texture pack tutorial again, and add the pack.mcmeta file to your texture pack.

What to do when your download doesn't start

1) Make sure you wait at least 30 seconds for your pack to be converted

2) Try again, but double check that you select all variables correctly

3) Run your pack through the pack fixer
Java Edition
Bedrock Edition

4) Look at the final message/error in the output tab, and use the error list

5) Watch the Video Tutorial

6) Contact the Discord server for help!
To make things easier, please record the exact time at which you uploaded your pack!

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