
A brief list of all of the pages to be found on this website

Convert - Website home page, change the versions of all of your texture packs here!
About Us - About us page, find general information as well as website achievements.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions (& answers) as well as an extensive error list.

Pages List - A list of every page to be found on this website (this page).
Jar To Zip Converter - Convert any JAR file (minecraft mod/game version pack format) to a zip folder.
Pack Fixer - Fix (common) pack issues like it not showing up in Minecraft.
Pack Fixer (Bedrock) - Fix any common error you may experience when importing a Bedrock Edition pack.
Zip to MCPACK Converter - Convert a zip file to mcpack (Bedrock pack file type).
Zip File Maker - Will compress any files/folders you have into a ZIP (compressed) folder.

Background GUI - Tutorial on how to make your own Itsme64 signiture Minecraft Background GUI.
Convert Bedrock to Java - How to use the converter to convert a pack from Bedrock to Java.
Item Lists - Useful lists of Minecraft file names and resource locations.
Convert Java to Bedrock - How to use my converter to convert a pack from Java to Bedrock.
manifest.json File Template - How to make the manifest.json file, required in all Bedrock Edition packs.
pack.mcmeta File Template - How to make the pack.mcmeta file, required in all Java Edition packs.
Texture Pack Tutorial (JE) - Full tutorial on how to make a Minecraft Java Edition Texture pack.
Texture Pack Tutorial (BE) - Full tutorial on how to make a Minecraft Bedrock Edition Texture pack.

Converted Page - Automatic redirect page after converting a pack.
Fixed Page - Automatic redirect page fixing a Java Edition pack.
FixedBedrock Page - Automatic redirect page fixing a Bedrock Edition pack.
Privacy Policy - Website Privacy Policy
Terms of Service - Website ToS

Premium Pages - Exclusively for Patreons, convert packs without ads, and sub 1 second conversion times!

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